Title: State Tax Manager (SALT Manager)
Location: Dallas, TX (downtown)
Salary: $150,000 - $170,000
$125,000 - $145,000 base salary
20% bonus target

In this opportunity you will manage the state tax function for a several billion dollar, mostly domestic, company.

A few highlights:
  • Report to the VP of Tax.
  • Supervise three state tax seniors who prepare state income tax returns.
  • Oversee tax planning projects that analyze the state tax impacts of various potential changes.
  • Serve as the lead for state income and franchise tax audits (all the non-income tax audit defense is outsourced.)
  • Manage all aspects of ASC-740 reserves and other aspects of state tax reporting.
  • This company is in every state including DC and a few other jurisdictions.
  • This is a 15 person tax department, so there are lots of opportunities to gain exposure to other areas of tax depending on what interests you.


5+ years state income tax experience
Min Base Salary
Dallas TX